Title:BIOS Windows Flash () - Winflash_ESPRIMO V5505 [Flash - BIOS]
Version (Date):A1B (27/08/2008)
Size:1.2 MB
Language:Supports all languages
Comment:******************************************* * * BIOS Flash-update for * * Fujitsu Siemens Computers * * ESPRIMO V 5505 * ******************************************* Connect AC adapter before flashing Please reboot your system after flashing _______________________________________________________________________________ I. BIOS Flash update in DOS-mode: _______________________________________________________________________________ There are two possibilities to flash the BIOS. 1. using a Floppy Disc: ----------------------- Please unzip the received "FSC_BIOSDOSFlashDiscImageESPRIMOV5505A1B_xxxxx.zip" file. After running V5505A1B.exe the BIOS Update files will be copied to a inserted floppy disc. After this the medium should contain the following files: flash.bat BIOS FLASH FILES Readme.TXT (this file) 2. using a CD: -------------- Burn the received iso file "FSC_BIOSFlashISOCDImageESPRIMOV5505A1B_xxxxx.ISO" to the CD. To flash your BIOS, boot from the medium into DOS-mode and run flash.bat. _______________________________________________________________________________ II. BIOS Flash update from WINDOWS: _______________________________________________________________________________ Download the file "FSC_BIOSWindowsFlashWinflash_ESPRIMOV5505A1B_xxxxx.EXE" and save it to the WINDOWS desktop or to a folder you like. Close all programs and applications To flash your BIOS run FSC_BIOSWindowsFlashWinflashESPRIMOV5505A1B_xxxxx.exe with a double-click. After this, please follow the displayed instructions. _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A1B: Solved problems: - To fix touchpad off can't warm boot issue. Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - none _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A1A: Solved problems: - For German Keyborad, if type key fastly, some of the charactors might get lost. - Wrong CPU Speed is display in SETUP/Information menu. Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - none _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A0Z: Solved problems: - Support Penryn CPU Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - none _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A0Y: Solved problems: - support SAMSUNG battery Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - none _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A0X: Solved problems: - To support Intel CPU T7300. Known errors, problems and restrictions: - ******************** Attention for Windows XP User ******************************** Before BIOSFLASH You have to update the graphic (Video) driver. min version: http://support.fujitsu-siemens.de/de/support/index.html ******************** Attention for Windows XP User ******************************** Additional Information: - none _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A0W: Solved problems: - To support Intel CPU T2330 and M530. - Fix system doesn't follow boot sequence after skip multi boot menu. Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - If flash BIOS from A0U to A0W, there�s no CMOS get default issue. - If flash BIOS from A0V to A0W, there will still cause CMOS get default issue. _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A0V: Solved problems: - none Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - none _______________________________________________________________________________ current BIOS V. A0U: Solved problems: - none Known errors, problems and restrictions: - none Additional Information: - This is an initial BIOS _______________________________________________________________________________ no information of older BIOS version available _______________________________________________________________________________
Operating System:No Operating System Dependencies
Products:Notebook ESPRIMO Mobile V5505
Open Webpage:http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/indexdownload.asp?Softwareguid=2a8e469f-1018-41ee-bb0d-0cc13d57685a